OpenCom, through its ICT department, supports the development of projects designing specific data management web platforms, with collaboration, communication and alert system functions.
The heart of the development is the PDM-POWER platform, from which the planning of data management platforms for more complex organizations, projects or specific functions starts. To this day, OpenCom has produced platforms for the management of international projects, the creation of training curricula, the management of educational and training activities, the coordination of press offices and the communication and coordination activities of the emergency room. OpenCom has developed a special Learning Management System, a platform capable of managing distance learning projects for schools and universities, companies, academies, individual instructors, coaching and more.
The software allows training in synchronous and asynchronous mode. Virtual lessons can be delivered in different formats (videos, slides, texts, streaming). The integration with the PDM-POWER system allows the management of the training project in collaboration with several partners and on several levels such as: members, certification and/or recognition bodies, teachers, technical, communication and legal consultants.
The system is designed for a shared and transparent management of the training project also from a financial point of view.
For info, projects, requests and more
Fabio Frangipani

Piazza Giotto, 13 – 52100 Arezzo (AR)
C.F. 92069930516 – P.I. 02096350513
Copyright 2020 © OpenCom issc
+39 0575 26114